**Enhanced Fertility**, Reduced Risk, High Success Rates at IUI Clinic

Experience higher chances of getting pregnant with specialized preparation protocols and effective IUI procedures by acclaimed fertility experts.
pregnancy planning

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Our vision is to make work inspiring and fulfilling

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Fertility Success By Our Side

We offer comprehensive infertility treatment to help you start or grow your family. Our experienced doctors provide advanced assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, IUI with ovarian stimulation, egg & sperm donation.
IUI Procedures
We provide highly successful and affordable IUI treatments using specially processed "Androwash" semen samples to remove debris, infectious agents, dead sperm and improve motility.
Our advanced Androwash technique improves sperm quality by eliminating immotile sperm and debris from the semen before the IUI procedure.
Our caring and supportive staff provides individualized treatment plans to help patients overcome infertility issues and achieve successful pregnancy.

Trusted By Thousands of Fertility Specialists and Medical Professionals

Hear from leading fertility experts and medical professionals on how iuiclinic.com's advanced fertility treatments and innovative IUI procedures with Androwash have helped improve success rates.
Our IUI success rates have doubled since using Androwash sperm processing.
Dr. Alicia Simpson
IVF Specialist, Springfield Fertility Clinic

Enhance Fertility Success with Androwash

New research shows Androwash can significantly improve sperm quality and fertility success rates in IUI procedures. Schedule an appointment to discuss integrating Androwash into your treatment plan.
Maintaining fertility excellence in IUI since 1992.